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Passionate at the core


Our vision is to bring to the fore a vibrant and transformed industry in West Africa within Computer Graphics, Animation and Interactive Media.

Perhaps the biggest aim is  to help develop a sense of self reliance for economic empowerment to the creative practitioners via sustainable jobs and business opportunities that will offer a way out of  impending poverty  and create  individual development.

Training and Educationals

The prevalent standard of productions and activities  may give  a perception of a severe lack in  relevant formal development initiatives in the industries in West Africa, this affect the marketability of practitioners  and to a large extent makes them  unable to survive and then are made  economically unsafe within their  vocation of choice... which is animation.

However there has been a few noticeable improvements among individuals  within the industry at large but which cost them a lot of effort to attain.


 We understand that this area is key to industry success and transformation,  we like to champion   efforts that  will be directed specifically to individuals, young learners and such but with emphasis on entrepreneurial development.

Some of the main goals are to:

  • We aspire to facilitate training and education, making young ones see the professions as a viable way to escape poverty of the mind and body.

  • We will raise funds which enables us to assist promising young people get into the industry with the least barrier in front of them and we will engage such funds to subsidise production costs for those members of the industry who cant afford this yet ave what it takes to help take our industry higher.

 Crowdfunding Campaign

Why not join crowdfund an ongoing project or need here


Here you can donate  a one off to support us via paypal

Here you can do a monthly support to  us via paypal

AWA Foundation
Support Fund
Creative Community
Are you West African?
Join our creative community, be heard and showcase yourself.

Supporting the West Africa Animation Industry

Over the years, Animation West Africa  has grown to become the face of CGI and animation in the West Africa region of Africa. The initiative was conceived around 2008 when the founder had an insight into the operations of other industries in Africa and took it on himself to create something similar for West Africa as a way to pool our industry practitioners together.

We largely rely on your support and donation to help us assist and support deserving individual within the community and help our little efforts move faster.  The very little helps!


Stay Tuned !

Community Support

There are a few other ways we reach out to the community and industry at large. Ranging from educative to industry support and encouragement.
The whole idea is to bring everyone at par and on same level from which our growth as an industry can be coordinated

Latest Video - Showreel 2

Over the past and most recently too we have been able to encourage members by putting together bits of their works made into a showreel and each one is credited in there and it is hoped that this will take the message of our commitment to real development of the lives of our creatives far and wide.


Site Design by SD Designs                                                                      ©AWA Foundation 2017 

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